Getting Bonded with a Criminal Record

Understanding if you are bondable and the challenges and pathways to becoming bondable with a criminal record is crucial for personal and professional development. Learn how to improve your chances of getting bonded with a criminal record, the importance of being bondable, and how Canadians can navigate these challenges to secure employment and achieve their…

Pardons Canada – Convictions for Pot Still Require Pardons or Record Suspensions Despite the new liberal government indicating their desire to change the pot laws, it can still be a criminal offence if you are in possession of pot or marijuana or a similar narcotic. If you are convicted for a pot possession charge then you will require a pardon or record suspension to get the…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon in Canada and Becoming a Successful Author Criminal justice system success stories are all around us, though as a society, we don’t often hear about them, do we? Not nearly enough, in my opinion, but perhaps I’m biased, since I’m one of them. These days, the focus seems to be lasered-in on the rush to success, living your life, having a…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Charge that Was Stayed or Withdrawn A recent news article highlights the fact that over 40 percent of all criminal charges in Ontario are stayed or withdrawn.  This compared to only 9 percent in Quebec. If you also include absolute or conditional discharge the numbers are even higher. Many people believe that if their criminal charge is stayed or withdrawn…

Pardons Canada – Bill C-23B Proposal for Changes to Pardon Legislation Being Debated This Month The Federal Government is currently proposing some significant changes to the Pardon legislation that could make it harder to get pardons and that is trying to eliminate the word “pardon” and replace it with “record suspension.” Pardons Canada is currently working closely with government officials at the committee level to oppose certain proposed changes…