Pardons Canada – Declined for Job Because of Peace Bond We receive many calls and emails from people who are in shock that their criminal charge showed up in a criminal check.  They are surprised because in many cases the charge was withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditionally discharged, yet it still showed up when the criminal check was done. If you…

Pardons Canada – How a Peace Bond Can Interfere with Employment Assault is the most common criminal charge in Canada.  Often, once the case goes to court the charges are withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharged. In many cases, a full conviction is given and it can be considered a summary or indictable offence depending on the severity of the situation. Many people…

Pardons Canada – A Criminal Record Will Interfere with Citizenship There are many people living in Canada who do not yet have their Canadian Citizenship.  Many have landed or permanent residence papers and are in the process of getting their citizenship which takes time. If you are charged with a criminal offence or even fingerprinted by the police and the charge was later dismissed,…

Pardons Canada – Record Suspensions for 80,000 Impaired Driving Charges in Canada Each year the government provides crime rate statistics and the latest statistics for 2012 are now available. The government is boasting a drop in the crime rate but the number of criminal incidents in Canada is still approximately 2,000,000.  This amount of incidents has been around the two million mark since the 1970’s when…

Pardons Canada – Dropped Charges Still Show Up on Criminal Record Checks We receive many calls and emails from people who are surprised that their criminal record is still showing up on a criminal background check even though the charges were dropped. It is not uncommon that a person will be fingerprinted following an arrest of assault, or theft or uttering threats, and later the criminal…