Pardons Canada – Immigrants who are charged with domestic assault can be a result of different cultures We help many people each week obtain a Canada Pardon for domestic assault.  Often the assault charge is a result of a heated dispute to which the police were called to the scene.  In many cases, the charges are later withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditionally discharged. In all these situations, even…

Pardons Canada – Criminal charges that have been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharge is now affecting US border crossing US border crossing with ANY form of criminal charges has become a lot more difficult. We are being inundated with calls and emails from people who are getting turned away at the US Border even for criminal charges that have been withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or conditional discharged. Here is an email we received…

Pardons Canada – US border security crackdown continues to impact travellers with a criminal record The Americans are getting even stricter at the US border as we are receiving a flood of calls from people being turned away at the US border because of old criminal charges.  Even if the criminal charges were dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharge, it is raising red flags at the border. A…

Pardons Canada – A Pardon Will Clear The Way to Get Canadian Citizenship There are many immigrants in Canada who wish to obtain their Canadian citizenship.  For those who have been charged with a criminal offence, even if the criminal charge was dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute or conditional discharge, they could be prevented from obtaining Canadian citizenship. The good news is that once a Canada Pardon…