Pardons Canada – Volunteering with a Criminal Record Most volunteer positions now require a criminal background check before being accepted for the position. If you have an old criminal record or even if you have been charged with a criminal offence and the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond or discharged, you will not be able to volunteer. Once a…

pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – The Importance of Removing a Criminal Record From a Personal and Family Perspective The road to recovery for an alcohol and drug addiction can be long and painful.  Through that period people can fall into criminal activity under the influence, including theft, assault, mischief, impaired driving, to name a few. Often, as life unfolds, the person if they are lucky and work hard are able to get…

Pardons Canada – Withdrawn and Dismissed Charges in Toronto, Recent News The Toronto Star has done a great job of exposing the injustice of the police releasing non-conviction records to the public and it appears the Toronto Police may change their procedures as a result of this exposure. If you have been fingerprinted by the police but the charges were later withdrawn, dismissed, peace bond…

presenting at TRIAL LAWYERS Assosiation

Pardons Canada Review – Presentation at Criminal Lawyers Association in BC Pardons Canada has been helping Canadians to remove criminal records and obtain US Entry Waivers for over 25 years.  As a result of our experience and expertise we are often asked to speak at conferences across the country. Many criminal lawyers refer their Pardons/Record Suspensions work to Pardons Canada because the process takes a…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Charges Stayed and Withdrawn Can Still be Seen on RCMP file Many people who are charged with a criminal offence think that there is no trace of the record if the charge is withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged.  It is true that there is no conviction, but there is still a record of the criminal charge because of the fingerprints. Because the person…