Pardons Canada – “A Criminal Record can take away your dignity, self respect, pride and integrity.” Having a criminal record can have many negative consequences in your life. In addition to having issues with employment and travel to the US, a criminal record can really affect your personal image and self respect. Everyday we help people remove old criminal records with a Canada Pardon and we hear their stories about…

Pardons Canada – No more worrying about “criminal background checks” for job applications Having a criminal record while applying for work can be a nightmare. Most employers are requiring criminal background checks as part of their hiring process.  Regardless of how old your criminal record is, an employer can see it and its unlikely you will get the job considering there are other candidates who do not…

Pardons Canada – “Having a criminal record has been the most demoralizing and embarassing experience in my life” Many people who are charged with a criminal record are embarassed and ashamed of their behaviour.  Often it is their first offence and they are remorseful for their actions. Some criminal charges like “assault with a weapon” can sound a lot worse than what really happened.  The immediate assumption is that the weapon is…

Pardons Canada – “Being labeled a criminal even when charges are dismissed or withdrawn is a burden” Every day we receive letters of appreciation from people we have helped to get a Canada Pardon which effectively removes criminal records from public record.  Even if the criminal charge has been stayed, dismissed, withdrawn, acquitted, absolute or conditional discharge, a file destruction is necessary to remove these charges from public record. Often the…