Pardons Canada – Bill C10 – A Human Perspective on the Negative Impact of the Bill There are many lives that have been negatively affected as a result of the new Omnibus Crime Bill C10. The change in Pardons legislation in making people wait longer to recieve a pardon (now termed “record suspension”) has put thousands of lives on hold. Effectively, delaying their opportunity to get jobs or travel to…

Pardons Canada – Bill C10 Omnibus Crime Bill – A Majority Government Circumvents Due Process The Harper government is passing Bill C10, known as the Omnibus Crime Bill by steamrolling past opposition and by severely limiting debate on the subject in Parliament. At Pardons Canada, we have been outspoken critics of Bill C10 and prior Bill C23 since its inception and we are not the only ones. Irwin Cotler…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Background Checks with RCMP Files Still Delayed These days it seems every employer in the country is conducting criminal checks.  If you have been fingerprinted for a criminal charge, even if the charge was absolute or conditional discharge, withdrawn, stayed or dismissed, then there will be a red flag. Once a red flag is there, the employer usually requires an RCMP…

Pardons Canada – Letter from Pardons Canada Opposing Changes to Existing Pardon Legislation Bill C23B We have recently been active in opposing the changes proposed by the Tory Government in Bill C23 regarding current Pardons rules.  The current system WORKS, as evidenced by a 96% success rate of pardoned offenders NOT re-offending. Below is a letter from Pardons Canada to the opposition parties regarding one specific clause of the…