Removing a Peace Bond from Your Record

Removing a peace bond from your criminal record can help ensure that past mistakes don’t impact your future opportunities. Peace bonds, while non-convictions, can still appear on criminal background checks and potentially affect your employment, travel, and personal life. This blog will guide you through the process of removing a peace bond from your record…

Pardons Canada: Destruction Request for a Peace Bond

Visitor:  I’m contacting you in relation to a file purge/destruction request. I reached out to Halifax Police however they aren’t very responsive. I’m inquiring on your service to assist with file destruction and removal of information from CPIC. In reference to a case which was started in 2017 and was immediately dropped/dismissed during the trial on 18 Aug…

Pardons Canada – Step 1 In Removing a Criminal Record If you have been fingerprinted by the police then you will need to get the fingerprints removed so that you are safe for employment and travel. If the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, diversion, peace bond or absolute or conditional discharge then this is considered a non-conviction.  However, even if this is a non-conviction,…

pardons testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – Remove Fingerprints to be safe for Employment Nowadays, most employers are doing criminal background checks for all potential employment. Even if you have been fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, diversion or absolute or conditional discharge, your prints can still show up on a criminal check.  This can be embarassing to explain to…

Peace Bonds In Ontario

The most well known part of the conviction process in both the USA and Canada is the trial. It’s an event that has gotten a lot of coverage if in fiction, film and television, so many Canadians are familiar with the courtroom setting, a jury, a judge, two opposing lawyers, and a person who pleads…

Pardons Canada Review – How to Remove an Assault Conviction Most assaults happen in an instant during a fit of anger at a very specific moment of time.  Next thing you know, the police are being called and arresting those involved in the fight. In many cases, the intention of the person calling the police is not to have them get arrested, but inevitably…