Pardons Canada – Can’t Get a Job With a Criminal Record It seems that every employer in the country is doing criminal background checks. No matter how old the conviction is or how seemingly insignificant it was in the past, you are not getting work if you have a criminal record. The question on almost every employment application is “Do you have a criminal record…

Pardons Canada – New Pardon Rules Affects Number of Applications A recent article in the Globe and Mail has reported a drop in Pardons applications (now called Record Suspensions). Error rates for Pardon applications has also increased from 25% to 45%.  In other words, there are many applications for Pardons/Record Suspensions that are being submitted but then rejected because mistakes are being made.  That…

Getting Bonded with a Criminal Record

Understanding if you are bondable and the challenges and pathways to becoming bondable with a criminal record is crucial for personal and professional development. Learn how to improve your chances of getting bonded with a criminal record, the importance of being bondable, and how Canadians can navigate these challenges to secure employment and achieve their…

Pardons Canada – I-212 Overstaying Your Welcome in the US We receive many inquiries from people who have been denied entry to the US because they overstayed their welcome in the US. Often times, the Americans will deport the person back to their country or give them a ban from returning to the US for a period of time. If you have now become…