Pardons Canada Review – How To Remove a DUI in Alberta Many people are unaware that a DUI or Impaired Driving conviction is considered to be a criminal offence.  A criminal record will stay on file forever until a pardon or record suspension is granted. Other driving infractions that are considered to be criminal offences are care and control of a motor vehicle, dangerous driving,…

Pardons Canada Review – How to Remove an Assault Conviction Most assaults happen in an instant during a fit of anger at a very specific moment of time.  Next thing you know, the police are being called and arresting those involved in the fight. In many cases, the intention of the person calling the police is not to have them get arrested, but inevitably…

Crossing the American Border Is More Difficult Now

Canada and the United States have long shared what is popularly known as “the world’s friendliest border,” in addition to being one of the longest in the world. The massive border line between the northern United States and Southern Canada runs along the entire width of the North American continent. For millions of Canadians, it’s…

Pardons Canada Review – Clear Past Criminal Record We receive hundreds of thank you letters each year from people we have helped to obtain a pardon or record suspension or US Entry Waiver. The mental and emotional burden of having a criminal record can weigh heavily on a person.  Once the criminal record is removed by way of a pardon or record…

How Can I Find Out If I Can Cross The Border?

Canada is in the fortunate position of sharing what some have described as the largest, friendliest border in the world with the United States. The majority of provinces in the country share their southern border with the USA, and because of the friendly relations between the two countries, and a lot of overlap in language…

Pardons Canada Review – How to Remove a Criminal Record in Ontario Many people are uncertain even where to begin to remove a criminal record and the procedure that goes along with it. It really depends on the outcome in court to understand when your eligibility date is for a pardon or record suspension or file destruction.  If you were charged but not convicted, then you…

Can I Get the Police to Destroy My Fingerprint Records?

If you are ever arrested and charged with a crime, at some point, one of the experiences you will have as a standard part of the arrest procedure is that your fingerprints will be taken. This is a matter of archiving and criminal record, and in the event that you are actually convicted of a…

What Does the Term “Withdrawn” Mean In Court?

For anyone that’s watched a lot of courtroom dramas or reality television in which court proceedings are covered, there has been a lot of terminology that is filtered down to the public. Words like “objection” and “overruled” are so familiar now that they are no longer even considered specialised legal language, and most people understand…