Pardons Canada Review – Remove Assault Conviction From Criminal Record Assault is the most common criminal charge in Canada.  As soon as the police are called to the scene of an incident then they can arrest the individuals and take them into the police station for fingerprints. Once you are criminally charged then you will go to court.  The outcome in court will determine…

Pardons Canada Review – How To Remove a Criminal Record in Ontario When you are fingerprinted for a criminal offence, even if the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, or discharged then the prints can be seen in a criminal background check and could interfere with employment and travel. Many people think that if they win in court, in other words, if the charges…

Pardons Canada Review – The Relief of Removing a DUI or Impaired Driving Conviction DUI, Impaired Driving, Drunk Driving, Care and Control, Refusal to provide a breath sample, are among the most common criminal convictions in Canada.  There are over 80,000 DUI convictions in Canada each year. Some incidents are more severe than others ranging from if an accident was involved and people were injured to a roadside…

Pardons Canada – Pardon Fee and Wait Times for Pardons Being Reviewed Pardons Canada has been actively  lobbying the Liberal government to reverse some of the laws set by the former Harper government with Bill C10 pertaining to pardons in Canada. Here is an open letter sent by Pardons Canada to the current Prime Minister and Public Safety Minister urging changes to the law: Open Letter…

Pardons Canada Review – Remove Criminal Record to Obtain Citizenship There are many reasons people want to remove a criminal record apart from employment and travel purposes.  Oftentimes, in order to obtain your Canadian citizenship you cannot have a past criminal record.  Once a pardon or record suspension is granted, then the criminal record is no longer available to the public and you can…

Pardons Canada Review – Record Suspension for Assault Conviction in Toronto Pardons Canada helps people across the entire country to remove old criminal records so that they can pursue a life of freedom without the burden of having a criminal record.  The following email is from a person we helped to obtain a criminal record suspension for two assault convictions in Toronto: I have successfully…

Pardons Canada Review- Record Suspension to Remove Criminal Record In March 2012, the Conservative government passed an omnibus crime bill called Bill C-51 which included many changes to the pardons laws. One specific change was the name from “pardon” to “record suspension”.  The effect of the criminal record suspension is the same as the pardon which effectively removes your criminal record from being…